

This file is for execution as an installed package via ‘cyckei’.

class cyckei.cyckei.ColorFormatter(fmt=None, datefmt=None, style='%')

Extends logging.Formatter. Formatter to add colors and count warning / errors.

Set as the formatter for loggers when they are initalized in start_logging().


Called by the logger this object is attached to to format records.

Parameters:record (logging.LogRecord) – The record to be formatted.
Returns:The Formatter to be used by loggers.
Return type:str

cyckei.cyckei.file_structure(path, overwrite)

Checks for existing folder structure and sets up if missing

Parameters:config – Primary configuration dictionary

cyckei.cyckei.handle_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)

Exception Handler (referenced in start_logging)


Takes the plugins listed in the config dict and attempts to import and instantiate them.

Parameters:config (dict) – Primary configuration dictionary.
The first value is a list of PluginControllers extending the BaseController object. The second value is a dict with a key of the plugin name and
a value of the of the specific plugin instance’s name.
Return type:(list, dict)


The entry point for the application that controls the execution of different program branches.

Parses command-line arguments for component and directory. Checks for and, if necessary, creates file structure at given directory. Compiles configuration from config and variable files. Starts logging to both console and file based on argument input. Launches requested cyckei component (server, client, or explorer).

cyckei.cyckei.make_config(args, logger)

Loads configuration and variables from respective files. Merges them and adds command line arguments for universal access.

  • args – All processed command line arguments.
  • logger (Logger) – The logger to log config creation to.

Completed ‘config’ dictionary.

Return type:



Creates and parses command line arguments

Returns:ArgumentParser with filled arguments.

cyckei.cyckei.start_logging(config, logger)

Creates handlers and starts logging.

Logs to both file (f_handler) and console (c_console).

  • config (dict) – Primary configuration dictionary.
  • logger (Logger) – The logger to initialize.


Widget that controls a single channnel. Listed in the channel tab of the main window.

class cyckei.client.channel_tab.ChannelTab(config, resource, parent, plugin_info, channel_info)

Object that creates a window to interact with cycler channels from the server.


Holds Cyckei launch settings.


A dict holding the Threadpool object for threads to be pulled from.


A list of ChannelWidget objects.


A timer for the status of cells.


__init__(config, resource, parent, plugin_info, channel_info)

Inits ChannelTab with channels, config, resource, and timer. Creates each channel widget and place in QVBoxlayout.

  • config (dict) – Holds Cyckei launch settings.
  • resource (dict) – A dict holding the Threadpool object for threads to be pulled from.
  • parent (MainWindow) – The MainWindow object that created this ChannelTab.
  • plugin_info (list) – A list of dicts holding info about installed plugins.
  • channel_info (dict) – A dict of nested dicts holding info about each connected channel.
  • |

Sets the channels to alternate between light and dark.


Redraws the window with the current visual settings. Overrides the defaul QT paintEvent.


Updates the status section of a channel.

class cyckei.client.channel_tab.ChannelWidget(channel, config, resource, plugin_info, cur_channel_info)

Object that controls and stores information for a given channel.


Holds info about the ChannelWidget: Channel info, cell info, script info, etc.


Holds Cyckei launch settings.


The default background color of the channel.


Divides the channel widget vertically between info and controls.


A label under the controls that gives info when a control is pressed.


Holds the default attribtues of a ChannelWidget. Taken from an outside file.


A gui label that indicates if there is a selected script.


A list of gui elements to be added to the window, set in the set_settings function.


The step in the protocol performed on a cell.


Indicates whether the channel state has changed.


A gui label that indicates a cell’s status.


Holds the Threadpool object from resource for threads to be pulled from.


__init__(channel, config, resource, plugin_info, cur_channel_info)

Inits ChannelWidget with attributes, config, divider, feedback, json, script_label, status, and threadpool.

  • channel (int) – Id number for the channel corresponding with this Widget.
  • config (dict) – Holds Cyckei launch settings.
  • resource (dict) – A dict holding the Threadpool object for threads to be pulled from.
  • plugin_info (list) – A list of dicts holding info about installed plugins.
  • cur_channel_info (dict) – A dict holding info about the corresponding channel for this Widget.


Controls what happens when a button on the control panel is pressed.

Creates workers and uses the threadpool to run cycler functions.

Parameters:text (str) – Button text that determines which function to do.


Creates a set of buttons in an element that control the cycler.

Returns:A list of gui buttons that control the cycler.
Return type:list

get_settings(cur_channel_info, plugin_info)

Creates all UI settings and adds them to settings list.

  • cur_channel_info (dict) – A dict holding info about the corresponding channel for this Widget.
  • plugin_info (list) – A list of dicts holding info about installed plugins.

a list of gui elements to be added to the window.

Return type:



Sets the status of each QObject in settings to be uninteractable


Redraws the window with the current visual settings. Overrides the defaul QT paintEvent.

set(key, text)

Sets the attributes dict using the corresponding key and text.

Used to set ChannelWidget’s script to the one selected in dropdown.

  • key (str) – The key in the attributes dict in the ChannelWidget to have its value changed.
  • text (str) – The new value for the corresponding key in the attributes dict.


Checks whether the background needs to be changed and acts accordingly

set_plugin(key, text)

Sets object’s plugin to one selected in dropdown

  • key (str) – The key in the “plugins” section of the attributes dict in the ChannelWidget to have its value changed.
  • text (str) – The new value for the corresponding key in the “plugins” section of the attributes dict.

set_script(button_text, filename=None)

Sets the protocol for a channel to run

By default opens a finder window to select a file If a filepath is already provided then the finder window is skipped.

  • button_text (str) – The text of the button being pressed.
  • filename (str, optional) – The name of the script file at the end of the stored script path. Defaults to None.


Changes the state of the channel and marks if the state has been changed or not.

Parameters:state (str, optional) – The step the channel protocol is on. Defaults to None.


Sets the status of each QObject in settings to be interactable

Main window for the cyckei client.

class cyckei.client.client.MainWindow(config)

An object for generating the main client window and holding information about it.


Holds Cyckei launch settings.


Holds info on channels available on the server.


A list of all of the ChannelWidgets in channelView


Wrapper object that holds all of the ChannelWidgets.


Default status bar for the QWindow.


Threadpool of workers for communicating with the server



Inits Mainwindow with config, channel_info, channels, channelView, status_bar, and threadpool.

Args: config (dict): Holds Cyckei launch settings. Is copied to MainWindow’s version of config. |


Overridden method from QMainWindow for closing the application.

Parameters:event (QCloseEvent) – An event carrying flags for closing the Q application.


Sets up the menu bar at the top of the Main Window.


Checks for an active server and returns a result message in a new window.


Compiles and formats info for installed plugins on the server for display.


Begins execution of Cyckei.

Parameters:config (dict) – Holds Cyckei launch settings.
Returns:Result of app.exec_(), Qt’s main event loop.

class cyckei.client.socket.Socket(config)

Object that handles connection, communication, and control of server from the client over ZMQ.


Holds Cyckei launch settings.


The underlying scoket that acts as the communication between client and server.



Inits Socket with config and socket.

Parameters:config (dict) – Holds Cyckei launch settings.


Sends a JSON request for information on all channel to server.

Returns:A dict of nested dicts containing info about all connected channels.
Return type:dict


Sends a JSON request for information on a channel to server.

Parameters:channel (int) – The id number of the channel to request info about.
Returns:Information about the requested channel.
Return type:dict


Sends a JSON request for information on plugins to server.

Returns:A list from the server of the plugins that are installed.
Return type:list


Sends a JSON request for the server file kept by the server.

Returns:A dict of nested dicts containing info about all connected channels from the server file.
Return type:dict


Sends a JSON “ping” to the server to check status

Returns:A JSON response from the server with the port the server is on.
Return type:dict


Sends JSON packet from client to server over zmq socket.

Parameters:to_send (dict) – JSON in the form of a python dict to be sent to server.
Returns:A JSON response from the server in the form of a python dict.
Return type:response (dict)


Sends a JSON packet from the client to the server over a zmq socket, loaded from a file.

Parameters:file (str) – File path of the JSON file to be loaded and sent to the server.
Returns:A JSON response from the server in the form of a python dict.
Return type:dict

Methods and object to handle scripts

class cyckei.client.scripts.Script(title, path)

Object for storing and manipulating strings that act as scripts


The text that acts as the script in the file of the script.


The filepath of the file of the script.


The filename of the script being held.


__init__(title, path)

Inits Script with content, path, and title.

Args: title (str): The filename of the script being held. path (str): The filepath of the file of the script. |


Saves script content to file using the script’s path and title.


Updates the script’s title with ‘*’ if the script’s contents has been edited

class cyckei.client.workers.Check(config, protocol)

Object used for testing whether a certain protocol can be run.


The protocol being checked for legality.


Holds Cyckei launch settings.


Used for gui signals. Shows the server’s response.


__init__(config, protocol)

Inits Check with config, protocol, and signals.

  • config (dict) – Holds Cyckei launch settings.
  • protocol (str) – The protocol being checked for legality.


Checks if script only contains valid commands.

Parameters:protocol (str) – The protocol being checked for legality.
Returns:True if protocol is legal, False otherwise. str: The message that goes with the legality test results.
Return type:bool


Packages protocol in json dict to send to server.

Parameters:protocol (str) – The protocol being sent to the server.
Returns:The protocol packaged with an indication that this is a test for the server.
Return type:dict


Runs the tests for checking the script.

Returns:True if protocol is legal and loaded, False otherwise. str: The message that goes with the legality/load test results.
Return type:bool


Checks if server can load script successfully.

Parameters:protocol (str) – The protocol being checked for server loading.
Returns:True if protocol is loaded, False otherwise. str: The message that goes with the load test results.
Return type:bool

class cyckei.client.workers.Control(config, channel, command, script=None, temp=False)

Object for storing a script and sendng it to the server.


Channel object that stores info about itself.


Used by Control in determining which actions to take.


Holds Cyckei launch settings.


The script for the server to execute. Passed in or taken from the channel.


Used for gui signals. Shows the server’s response.


Indicates whether recording should be done in temporary files (true) or not (false)


__init__(config, channel, command, script=None, temp=False)

Inits Control with channel, command, config, script, signals, and temp.

  • channel (ChannelWidget) – Channel object that stores info about itself.
  • command (str) – Used by Control in determining which actions to take.
  • config (dict) – Holds Cyckei launch settings.
  • script (str, optional) – The script for the server to execute. Defaults to None.
  • temp (bool, optional) – Indicates whether recording should be done in temporary files (true) or not (false). Defaults to False.


Calls for a viability check on the loaded script and then sends it to the server.

class cyckei.client.workers.Ping(config)

Object used to check for an active server.


Holds Cyckei launch settings.


Used for gui signals. Shows the server’s response.



Inits Ping with signals and config.

Parameters:config (dict) – Holds Cyckei launch settings.


Sends a ping to the Socket to check status. Emits the response.

class cyckei.client.workers.Read(config, channel)

Object used in reading cell information from the server.


Channel object that stores info about itself.


Holds Cyckei launch settings.


Used for gui signals. Shows the server’s response.


__init__(config, channel)

Inits Read with channel, config, and signals.

  • channel (ChannelWidget) – Channel object that stores info about itself.
  • config (dict) – Holds Cyckei launch settings.


Tell channel to Rest() long enough to get voltage reading on cell.

class cyckei.client.workers.Signals

Object used by other objects to alert the user to changes, statuses, etc.

class cyckei.client.workers.UpdateStatus(channels, config)

Updates the status below the controls, shown after contacting server


A list of all of the ChannelWidget objects to be updated.


Holds Cyckei launch settings.


__init__(channels, config)

Inits UpdateStatus with channles and config

  • channels (list) – A list of all of the ChannelWidget objects to be updated.
  • config (dict) – Holds Cyckei launch settings.


Goes through the channels list and sets the gui status text depending on server response from info_all query.

cyckei.client.workers.prepare_json(channel, function, protocol, temp)

Populates a new package with channel data and returns it

  • channel (ChannelWidget) – Channel object that stores info about itself.
  • function (str) – Used by the server when determining what action to take.
  • protocol (str) – A protocol for the server to execute.
  • temp (bool) – True records in a temporary file, false records to the proper record directory.

A package populated with the protocol and info about the specified channel.

Return type:



Main window for the cyckei client.

class cyckei.explorer.explorer.MainWindow(config)

Main Window class which is and sets up itself


Setup main windows


Begins execution of Cyckei.

Parameters:record_dir – Optional path to recording directory.
Returns:Result of app.exec_(), Qt’s main event loop.

Controls log tab, which displays logs as they are being recorded

class cyckei.explorer.log_viewer.Folder(path, name)

Object of log, stores title and content of file for quick access

class cyckei.explorer.log_viewer.GraphCanvas

Graphing Canvas using matplotlib

class cyckei.explorer.log_viewer.Log(path, name)

Object of log, stores title and content of file for quick access

class cyckei.explorer.log_viewer.LogDisplay
update(self) → None

update(self, arg__1: PySide2.QtCore.QRect) -> None update(self, arg__1: PySide2.QtGui.QRegion) -> None update(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) -> None

class cyckei.explorer.log_viewer.LogViewer(config, resource)

Object of log tab


Display text of clicked file in text box


Open logging folder in explorer

class cyckei.explorer.script_editor.InsertBar(editor)

Controls and stores information for a given channel


Creates all UI elements and adds them to elements list

update(self) → None

update(self, arg__1: PySide2.QtCore.QRect) -> None update(self, arg__1: PySide2.QtGui.QRegion) -> None update(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) -> None

class cyckei.explorer.script_editor.Script(path, title)

Stores the File Path, Title, and content of a file


Overwrites the file that shares a file path and title witht the script


Changes the file title in the Script interface if the script and the file differ

class cyckei.explorer.script_editor.ScriptEditor(config, resource)

UI window for the script tab of Cyckei Explorer


Creates and adds a Script object to the front of the ScriptList and UI FileList

alert_check(result, message)

Opens a pop-up window with an input message


Creates and runs a worker to check protocol and verify the validity of a script


Deletes the active file and removes it from the UI


Opens the Cyclikal Guide for creating scripts


Display contents of script when clicked


Creates new file and adds it to list as script


Opens a new file and adds it as a script


Calls the save function of a Script object


Create list of script files


Update content of script and update status to show if edited


Updates the UI when which script is active is changed

class cyckei.explorer.workers.Check(config, protocol)

Checks if script only contains valid commands


Initiates checking tests

class cyckei.explorer.workers.Control(config, channel, command, script=None, temp=False)

Update json and send “start” function to server

run(self) → None
class cyckei.explorer.workers.Signals


Classes that handle controlling Keithley Source objects and enacting protocols on them.

class cyckei.server.protocols.AdvanceCycle(wait_time: float = 10.0, cellrunner_parent: cyckei.server.protocols.CellRunner = None)

Extends ProtocolStep. A step for advancing the cycle number in the parent CellRunner.


Normally checks that battery is in control.

Since AdvanceCycle doesn’t affect the connected cell True is always returned.

Returns:Always returns True.
Return type:bool


Calls the parent CellRunner’s advance_cycle() function.

Parameters:force_report (bool, optional) – Forces a printed report if True. Unused in this case. Defaults to False.

class cyckei.server.protocols.CCCharge(current, reports=(('voltage', 0.01), ('time', ':5:')), ends=(('voltage', '>', 4.2), ('time', '>', '24::')), wait_time=10.0)

Extends CurrentStep. A step for enforcing a positive current.

__init__(current, reports=(('voltage', 0.01), ('time', ':5:')), ends=(('voltage', '>', 4.2), ('time', '>', '24::')), wait_time=10.0)

Inits state_str, calls the parent CurrentStep constructor with current, ends, reports, and wait_time.

  • current (float) – The current charge rate being enforced.
  • ends (tuple, optional) – A tuple of tuples, holds the voltage cutoff and the total time the protocol should run for in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“voltage”, “<”, 3), (“time”, “>”, “24::”)).
  • reports (tuple, optional) – A tuple of tuples, holds the change in voltage or time for a report to occur, time in in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“voltage”, 0.01), (“time”, “:5:”)).
  • wait_time (float, optional) – Time between data measurements in seconds. Defaults to 10.0.

class cyckei.server.protocols.CCDischarge(current, reports=(('voltage', 0.01), ('time', ':5:')), ends=(('voltage', '<', 3), ('time', '>', '24::')), wait_time=10.0)

Extends CurrentStep. A step for enforcing a negative current.

__init__(current, reports=(('voltage', 0.01), ('time', ':5:')), ends=(('voltage', '<', 3), ('time', '>', '24::')), wait_time=10.0)

Inits state_str, calls the parent CurrentStep constructor with current, ends, reports, and wait_time.

  • current (float) – The current discharge rate being enforced.
  • ends (tuple, optional) – A tuple of tuples, holds the voltage cutoff and the total time the protocol should run for in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“voltage”, “<”, 3), (“time”, “>”, “24::”)).
  • reports (tuple, optional) – A tuple of tuples, holds the change in voltage or time for a report to occur, time in in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“voltage”, 0.01), (“time”, “:5:”)).
  • wait_time (float, optional) – Time between data measurements in seconds. Defaults to 10.0.

class cyckei.server.protocols.CVCharge(voltage, reports=(('current', 0.01), ('time', ':5:')), ends=(('current', '<', 0.001), ('time', '>', '24::')), wait_time=10.0)

Extends VoltageStep. A step for charging at a constant voltage.

__init__(voltage, reports=(('current', 0.01), ('time', ':5:')), ends=(('current', '<', 0.001), ('time', '>', '24::')), wait_time=10.0)


  • ends (tuple, optional) – A tuple of tuples, holds the current cutoff and the total time the protocol should run for in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“current”, “<”, 0.001), (“time”, “>”, “24::”)).
  • reports (tuple, optional) – A tuple of tuples, holds the change in current or time for a report to occur, time in in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“current”, 0.01), (“time”, “:5:”)).
  • voltage (float) – The desired voltage for the cell to reach.
  • wait_time (float, optional) – Time between data measurements in seconds. Defaults to 10.0.

class cyckei.server.protocols.CVDischarge(voltage, reports=(('current', 0.01), ('time', ':5:')), ends=(('current', '<', 0.001), ('time', '>', '24::')), wait_time=10.0)

Extends VoltageStep. A step for discharging at a constant voltage.

__init__(voltage, reports=(('current', 0.01), ('time', ':5:')), ends=(('current', '<', 0.001), ('time', '>', '24::')), wait_time=10.0)

Inits state_str, calls Parent Class’ constructor with voltage, reports, ends, and wait_time.

  • ends (tuple, optional) – A tuple of tuples, holds the current cutoff and the total time the protocol should run for in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“current”, “<”, 0.001), (“time”, “>”, “24::”)).
  • reports (tuple, optional) – A tuple of tuples, holds the change in current or time for a report to occur, time in in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“current”, 0.01), (“time”, “:5:”)).
  • voltage (float) – The desired voltage for the cell to reach.
  • wait_time (float, optional) – Time between data measurements in seconds. Defaults to 10.0.

class cyckei.server.protocols.CellRunner(plugin_objects=None, **meta)

Turns a protocol into a list of held ProtocolSteps that are executed to complete the protocol. Also holds meta information about the protocol being run.


The Keithley channel this protocol should be run on.


The active ProtocolStep. UNUSED.


The file path to the file that will have data written to it.


The index of the ProtocolStep being run from the steps list.


Controls whether this is a real protocol run or a test protocol being run.


A list of values from the previous measurement recorded in a ProtocolStep.


Meta data for: channel, path, cellid, comment, package, celltype, requester, plugins, protocol, protocol_name, cycler, start_cycle, and format.


The next time at which a ProtocolStep should read data from the Keithley.


A list of PluginControllers extending the BaseController object. (The same as ‘plugins’ and ‘plugin_objects’ in functions of


The previous cycle number. UNUSED.


The number of seconds before the Keithley’s safety reset.


The Keithley being controlled by this CellRunner.


The epoch time in seconds at which the CellRunenr started running the protocol (ProtocolSteps).


The status that maps to the STATUS string map. Values -1 to 5.


A list of the ProtocolSteps to be run in order to complete a protocol.


The time in seconds that a ProtoclStep has been paused for.


__init__(plugin_objects=None, **meta)

Inits channel, current_step, fpath, i_current_step, last_data, meta, _next_time, plugin_objects, prev_cycle, safety_reset_seconds, source, start_time, status, steps, and total_pause_time.

Parameters:plugin_objects (list, optional) – A list of PluginControllers extending the BaseController object. (The same as ‘plugins’ and ‘plugin_objects’ in functions of Defaults to None.


Adds a ProtocolStep to the steps list.

Parameters:step (ProtocolStep) – ProtocolStep to be added to the steps list.


Advances the cycle stored in CellRunner by 1.


Calls the off() function for the stored source.

load_protocol(protocol: str, isTest=False)

Executes a string of python code to add a step to the steps list.

Parameters:protocol (str) – string of python code generating the protocol steps in the runner.


Attempts to move to the next step of the protocol.

Attempts to increment the i_current_step by 1 to move to the next step in the steps list. If the length of steps is passed then False is returned and status is set to completed to indicate that the prtocol is over. Otherwise, capacity is adjusted to the last recorded capactiy and true is returned.

Returns:True indicates that the next step is ready, False is returned if there are no more steps.
Return type:bool


Returns the next time to read data.

Returns:The next time in seconds at which to read data.
Return type:float


Calls the off() function for the stored source.


Attempts to pause the active step. Also calls the read_and_write function.

Returns:True if the pause was successful, otherwise False.
Return type:bool


Reads data from the current ProtocolStep and records it.

Calls the current ProtocolStep to collect data and tries to write that data to the data file using write_data(). Also sets the last_data value to this most recently read data.

Parameters:force_report (bool, optional) – Passed to the ProtocolStep run() function to control reporting. Defaults to False.


Calls resume on the current step. Then calls the run() function.

Returns:The result of calling the run() function.
Return type:bool


Starts and advances protocols.

Method called by the main loop to start and advance a protocol This method triggers the various steps that are loaded in the protocol as well as the header writing and the data writing in the data file

Returns:True if is running as expected, False if it is complete.
Return type:bool


Decides whether charging/discharging yields positive or negative capacities.

Go through the steps and set their .cap_sign attribute based on the “direction” of the cell. Charging yields positive capacities because cap_sign is 1 and discharge yields negative capacities because cap_sign is -1.

Parameters:direction (str or None) – Direction for the cell can be “pos”, “neg”, or None if it is None, the “celltype” in the meta data is used, if this is not set it defaults to “pos”.


Tries to set the CellRunner’s source (the Keithley it controlls) to the passed in source.

Parameters:source (keithley2602.Source) – The Source object used for controlling a specific Keithley.
Raises:ValueError – Error raised when the CellRunner does not have the same channel as the Keithley it is controlling.


Uses the index of the current step to pull the current step from the steps list.

Returns:The current step that the CellRunner is on.
Return type:ProtocolStep


Calls the close() function.

Returns:Always returns True.
Return type:bool


Writes the cycle that the CellRunner is on to the file stored in fpath.

write_data(timestamp, current, voltage, capacity, plugin)

Attempts to write the passed in data to the fpath file.

  • capacity (float) – The calculated capacity of the cell being controlled in mAh.
  • current (float) – The recorded current data of the controlled cell.
  • plugin (list) – A list of values recorded from plugins, either ints or floats.
  • timestamp (float) – The recorded time data of the controlled cell.
  • voltage (float) – The recorded voltage data of the controlled cell.


Creates a JSON string using the CellRunner meta and writes it to the file stored in fpath.


Collects the header from the current ProtocolStep and writes it to the file stored in fpath.

class cyckei.server.protocols.Condition

A Condition is an abstract class. A Condition takes a ProtocolStep into its check() method, and returns a boolean indicating whether that condition has been met.

A condition object may modify the .next_time attribute of the ProtocolStep object to suggest time the next time as an absolute timestamp that the condition should be checked

check(protocol_step: cyckei.server.protocols.ProtocolStep)

Abstract Function that checks whether certain conditions are met and returns a bool.

Parameters:protocol_step (ProtocolStep) – The step being checked on whether it has met the condition.
Raises:NotImplementedError – Raises this by default since check is an Abstract Method.

class cyckei.server.protocols.ConditionAbsolute(value_str: str, operator_str: str, value: float, min_time: float = 1.0)

An object for comparing the most recent measurement of a ProtocolStep to a user designated value.


The comparison func to use when comparing values i.e. greater than, less than, etc.


The index that relates to the value string in the data lists from Steps.


Minimum time that must have elapsed before evaluating the condition.


The next expected time for data to be checked. NEVER USED. Defaults to infinity.


Actual value to compare against step data.


Value string such as “voltage”, “time”, “current” etc… See DATA_INDEX_MAP module variable for valid values.


__init__(value_str: str, operator_str: str, value: float, min_time: float = 1.0)

Inits with comparison, index, min_time, next_time, value, and value_str.

  • value_str (str) – Value string such as “voltage”, “time”, “current” etc… See DATA_INDEX_MAP module variable for valid values.
  • operator_str (str) – String indicating the comparison operator. See OPERATOR_MAP module variable for valid values.
  • value (float) – Actual value to compare against step data.
  • min_time (float) – Minimum time that must have elapsed before evaluating the condition.


Compares absolute set value to step data.

First checks to see if enough time has passed between the most recent report and the newest data. If enough time has passed then the newest data value is compared against the set value.

Parameters:step (ProtocolStep) – The step to have data pulled from its data list.
Returns:True if the end condition was satisfied, otherwise False
Return type:bool

class cyckei.server.protocols.ConditionDelta(value_str: str, delta: float)

Condition that checks change between latest reported value and latest measured value.


An operator function that performs comparisons, in this case it is greater than or equal to, since the comparison is change in value.


Delta to compare step data against.


The integer that maps to a constant data map referencing data type being compared.


True means that this condition compares time values. False means it does not.


Value string such as “voltage”, “time”, “current” etc… See DATA_INDEX_MAP module variable for valid values.


__init__(value_str: str, delta: float)

Inits with comparison, delta, index, and is_time, and value_str.

  • value_str (str) – Value string such as “voltage”, “time”, “current” etc… See DATA_INDEX_MAP module variable for valid values.
  • delta (float) – Delta to compare step data against.


Checks the provided step’s value against the delta value.

Takes the most recent list of readings from the data list in step and indexes into the matching value to compare against delta.

Parameters:step (ProtocolStep) – The step to have data pulled from its data list.
Returns:True if the end condition was satisfied, otherwise False
Return type:bool

class cyckei.server.protocols.ConditionTotalDelta(value_str: str, delta: float)

Object for checking the change between the first reported value and latest measured value of a step.


An operator function that performs comparisons, in this case it is greater than or equal to, since the comparison is change in value.


Delta to compare step data against.


The integer that maps to a constant data map referencing data type being compared.


At what timestamp do we expect the condition to be met. Defaults as infinite.


Value string such as “voltage”, “time”, “current” etc… See DATA_INDEX_MAP module variable for valid values.


__init__(value_str: str, delta: float)

Inits with comparison, delta, index, next_time, and value_str.

  • value_str (str) – Value string such as “voltage”, “time”, “current” etc… See DATA_INDEX_MAP module variable for valid values.
  • delta (float) – Delta to compare step data against.


Checks the provided step’s value against the delta value.

Takes the first list of readings from the data list in step and indexes into the matching value to compare against delta.

Parameters:step (ProtocolStep) – The step to have data pulled from its data list.
Returns:True if the end condition was satisfied, otherwise False.
Return type:bool

class cyckei.server.protocols.ConditionTotalTime(delta)

Object for checking the change between the first reported time and latest measured time of a step.

Extends ConditionTotalDelta and simply calls its parent class’ constructor with time as the value_str.


Calls the parent class’ constructor to make a ConditionTotalDelta with time.

Parameters:delta (float) – Total elapsed time in seconds.


Checks the provided step’s value against the delta value.

Takes the first list of readings from the data list in step and indexes into the matching value to compare against delta.

Parameters:step (ProtocolStep) – The step to have data pulled from its data list.
Returns:True if the end condition was satisfied, otherwise False.
Return type:bool

class cyckei.server.protocols.CurrentStep(current, reports=(('voltage', 0.01), ('time', ':5:')), ends=(('voltage', '>', 4.2), ('time', '>', '24::')), wait_time=10.0)

Extends ProtocolStep. A step for controlling the current output by the source (i.e Keithley).


The current rate being enforced.


Voltage limit for source. This is not a voltage cutoff condition. It is the maximum voltage allowed by the Keithley under any condition. The Keithley enforces +/- v_limit. Having a battery with a voltage outside of +/- v_limit could damage the Keithley. Defaults to 5.0.


__init__(current, reports=(('voltage', 0.01), ('time', ':5:')), ends=(('voltage', '>', 4.2), ('time', '>', '24::')), wait_time=10.0)

Inits current, end_conditions, report_conditions, state_str, and v_limit. Calls parent ProtocolStep constructor with wait_time.

  • current (float) – The current rate being enforced.
  • ends (tuple, optional) – A tuple of tuples, holds the voltage cutoff and the total time the protocol should run for in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“voltage”, “>”, 4.2), (“time”, “>”, “24::”)).
  • reports (tuple, optional) – A tuple of tuples, holds the change in voltage or time for a report to occur, time in in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“voltage”, 0.01), (“time”, “:5:”)).
  • wait_time (float, optional) – Time between data measurements in seconds. Defaults to 10.0.

ValueError – Current should not be 0 during a CurrentStep, this is raised if current is 0.

check_in_control(last_time, current, voltage)

Method for checking if the desired condition is actually met.

Returning False will completely kill the cell.

  • current (float) – The current rate being enforced.
  • last_time (float) – The measured time in seconds. UNUSED
  • voltage (float) – The measured voltage to be compared against this step’s set voltage. UNUSED

True if cell is in control, False otherwise

Return type:



Returns the current state and time in json form.

Returns:A JSON string of the current protocol state and time.
Return type:JSON

class cyckei.server.protocols.Pause

Extends ProtocolStep. Pauses the CellRunner and its Keithley source.


Inits state_str and invokes the parent’s constructor with infinite wait time.


When a everything is paused in_control means nothing, hence this function does nothing but return True.

Returns:Always returns True
Return type:bool


Sets the Pause step’s status to completed in order to move on from being paused.


Calls the Pause start() function.

Returns:None returned.
Return type:None

class cyckei.server.protocols.ProtocolStep(wait_time: float = 10.0, cellrunner_parent: cyckei.server.protocols.CellRunner = None)

Base class for a protocol step, needs to be subclassed with implementation of a start function.

A protocol step stores its own data and the reported points Keeps track of time, current, voltage, capacity. Because the protocol files are simply pure python the parent, which is a CellRunner instance, needs to be present in the global variables as “parent”.


The cap sign determines whether the capacitiy increases or decreases during charge and discharge. Either 1 or -1.


A list of lists. Each list is a set of measurements, [[time,current,voltage,capacity], [time,current,voltage,capacity], …] current is stored in absolute value. Contains every measurement taken.


The max number ofitems in the data list.


A list of conditions that determine when the ProtocolStep should be ended.


Indicates if the protocol step is operating within it’s designed parameters.


The previous measured time in seconds.


This is the time in seconds since epoch at which this protocol step is expecting to do another read operation on the channel. -1 means it has never been set.


The CellRunner holding this protocol step.


The time in seconds at which the protocol was paused.


The total time in seconds for which the protocol was paused.


A list of lists. Each list is a set of measurements, [[time,current,voltage,capacity], [time,current,voltage,capacity], …]. This list only contains measurements taken that are specified to be reported.


A list of Condition objects used to determine when a data measurement is reported.


The initital capacity of the cell. This gets set at the protocol level (parent).


A string representation of the state of the cell i.e charging, discharging, etc.


An int representation of the status of the step, i.e started, paused, etc.


Time between data measurements in seconds.


__init__(wait_time: float = 10.0, cellrunner_parent: cyckei.server.protocols.CellRunner = None)

Inits ProtocolStep with parent, data_max_len, status, state_str, last_time, pause_start, pause_time, cap_sign, next_time, starting_capacity, wait_time, end_conditions, report_conditions, in_control.

Base class for protocols the variable “parent” must be a CellRunner instance and be present in the globals during instantiation.

  • cellrunner_parent (CellRunner) – The CellRunner this protocol is attached to.
  • wait_time (float) – Default waiting time in seconds. If no other conditions are met, the step will check V & I at this interval.


Checks if it’s time for step to be ended.

Returns:True if the end condition was satisfied, otherwise False
Return type:bool

check_in_control(last_time, current, voltage)

Abstract Method for checking if the desired condition is actually met.

For example
  • constant current : check current is correct
  • constant voltage: check voltage is correct
  • last_time (float) – Timestamp of last measurement.
  • voltage (float) – Voltage in volts.

NotImplementedError – Raises immediately as this is an Abstract Method.


Check if it’s time for step info to be reported.

Returns:True if the end condition was satisfied, otherwise False
Return type:bool


Unimplemented function. Meant for being overridden.

Returns:Always returns False.
Return type:bool


If step is started turns the source off and sets the status to paused.

Returns:Returns False if the step hasn’t been started. Otherwise True.
Return type:bool


Reads and reports data from the Keithley source.

Reads data from the Keithley source. Next scans the list of plugins checking for active ones. If there are active plugins their read() function is called and the output is checked. int and float are acceptable return values from the plugins. A 0 will replace non int or non float values. If data has been previously reported that data is used to calculate current capacity, otherwise capacity is the starting capacity. The read values of last_time, current, voltage, capacity, plugin_values are then compiled into a list and appended to the data list. If the data list is oversized its second to last oldest value is popped from the list (removing the first value would mess up calculating total changes). Finally the data is added to the end of the report if force_report is true.

Parameters:force_report (bool, optional) – If True then the collected data is added to the report list. Defaults to False.


Resumes the step by calling _start(), also calculates pause time.

Returns:Returns True if the step hasn’t been paused.
Return type:bool


Calls the read_data() function, also decides if the read data should be reported.

Calls the read_data() function and checks the end_conditions for if the ProtocolStep should end. The run function evaluates the report_conditions to decide if a data point should be reported, setting force_report to True will report the latest data point regardless of conditions.
Parameters:force_report (bool) – Defaults to False. Forces a report if True.
(time, current, voltage, capacity) tuple to report (write to file).
Returns none if no data to report.
Return type:tuple

class cyckei.server.protocols.Rest(reports=(('time', ':5:'), ), ends=(('time', '>', '24::'), ), wait_time=10.0)

Extends ProtocolStep. A step for putting a the CellRunner and Keithley to rest.

__init__(reports=(('time', ':5:'), ), ends=(('time', '>', '24::'), ), wait_time=10.0)

Inits end_conditions, report_conditions, and state_str.

  • ends (tuple, optional) – The total time the protocol should run for in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“time”, “>”, “24::”),).
  • reports (tuple, optional) – The time betweem reports in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“time”, “:5:”),).
  • wait_time (float, optional) – Time between data measurements in seconds. Defaults to 10.0.

check_in_control(last_time, current, voltage)

Method for checking if the desired condition is actually met.

Compares the given current to 0.00001 to check if it is essentially 0. Sets in_control, the return value, to True if the current is essentially 0. Returning False will completely kill the cell.

  • current (float) – The measured current to compare to 0.00001.
  • last_time (float) – The last measurement time, UNUSED.
  • voltage (float) – The measured voltage of the cell, UNUSED.

True if cell is in control, False otherwise.

Return type:



Returns the current state and time in json form.

Returns:A JSON string of the current protocol state and time.
Return type:JSON

class cyckei.server.protocols.Sleep(reports=(('time', ':5:'), ), ends=(('time', '>', '24::'), ), wait_time=10.0)

Extends ProtocolStep. A protocol used for putting the CellRunner and Keithley to sleep.

__init__(reports=(('time', ':5:'), ), ends=(('time', '>', '24::'), ), wait_time=10.0)

Inits end_conditions, report_conditions, and state_str.

  • ends (tuple, optional) – The total time the protocol should run for in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“time”, “>”, “24::”),).
  • reports (tuple, optional) – The time betweem reports in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“time”, “:5:”),).
  • wait_time (float, optional) – Time between data measurements in seconds. Defaults to 10.0.

check_in_control(last_time, current, voltage)

Method for checking if the desired condition is actually met.

Returning False will completely kill the cell

  • () (voltage) –
  • ()
  • ()

True if cell is in control, False otherwise

Return type:



Returns the current state and time in json form.

Returns:A JSON string of the current protocol state and time.
Return type:JSON


Reads the data from the Keithley source by calling the parent class’ read_data().


Calls the start function of the sleep protocol, checks end conditions, and reports data.

The run method needs to be redefined because the logic of the Sleep protocol is unique in that a measurement is only desired if a report condition is met as opposed to the other steps which measure and then decide whether to report

Parameters:force_report (bool) – Defaults to False. The run function evaluates the report_conditions to decide if a data point should be reported, setting force_report to True will report the latest data point regardless of conditions.
(time, current, voltage, capacity) tuple to report (write to file).
Returns none if no data to report.
Return type:tuple

class cyckei.server.protocols.VoltageStep(voltage, reports=(('current', 0.01), ('time', ':5:')), ends=(('current', '<', 0.001), ('time', '>', '24::')), wait_time=10.0)

Extends ProtocolStep. A step for controlling the voltage of a cell.


The maximum allowed current when charging or discharing.


The desired voltage for the cell to reach.


__init__(voltage, reports=(('current', 0.01), ('time', ':5:')), ends=(('current', '<', 0.001), ('time', '>', '24::')), wait_time=10.0)

Inits i_limit, end_conditions, report_conditions, and voltage.

  • ends (tuple, optional) – A tuple of tuples, holds the current cutoff and the total time the protocol should run for in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“current”, “<”, 0.001), (“time”, “>”, “24::”)).
  • reports (tuple, optional) – A tuple of tuples, holds the change in current or time for a report to occur, time in in hours:minutes:seconds format. Defaults to ((“current”, 0.01), (“time”, “:5:”)).
  • voltage (float) – The desired voltage for the cell to reach.
  • wait_time (float, optional) – Time between data measurements in seconds. Defaults to 10.0.

check_in_control(last_time, current, voltage)

Method for checking if the desired condition is actually met.

Voltage can take a moment to stabalize when a cell is first started, so the tolerance is adjusted accordingly. Otherwise, The currently measured voltage is compared against the voltage set in this step and if it is too different the in_control value is set to False. in_control is then returned. Returning False will completely kill the cell.

  • current (float) – The measured current. UNUSED.
  • last_time (float) – The measured time in seconds.
  • voltage (float) – The measured voltage to be compared against this step’s set voltage.

True if cell is in control, False otherwise

Return type:



Takes the last value in the CellRunner Parent’s Keithley’s current_ranges and sets it positive or negative depending on charge or discharge.


Returns the current state and time in json form.

Returns:A JSON string of the current protocol state and time.
Return type:JSON


Function for creating a ConditionDelta object using capacity.

Parameters:dc (float) – The change in capacity.
Returns:A Condition that can be used on steps to compare changes in capacity.
Return type:ConditionDelta


Function for creating a ConditionDelta object using current.

Parameters:di (float) – The change in current.
Returns:A Condition that can be used on steps to compare changes in current.
Return type:ConditionDelta


Function for creating a ConditionDelta object using time.

Parameters:dt (float) – The change in time in seconds.
Returns:A Condition that can be used on steps to compare changes in time.
Return type:ConditionDelta


Function for creating a ConditionDelta object using voltage.

Parameters:dv (float) – The change in voltage.
Returns:A Condition that can be used on steps to compare changes in voltage.
Return type:ConditionDelta

cyckei.server.protocols.condition_end_voltage(voltage, operator_str)

Function for creating a ConditionAbsolute object using a voltage endpoint.

Loads a ConditionAbsolute object with a comparison voltage and the mathematical comparison operator to use.

  • voltage (float) – The voltage to initialize ConditionAbsolute with.
  • operator_str (str) – A string representing a mathematical operator i.e. ><= .

Initialized with the given voltage and operator_str.

Return type:



Function for creating a ConditionAbsolute object using a lower cutoff voltage.

Parameters:voltage (float) – The voltage to initialize ConditionAbsolute with.
Returns:Initialized with the given voltage and <= as the operator.
Return type:ConditionAbsolute


Function for creating a ConditionAbsolute object using a max current.

Parameters:current (float) – The current to initialize ConditionAbsolute with.
Returns:Initialized with the given current and >= as the operator.
Return type:ConditionAbsolute


Function for creating a ConditionAbsolute object using a min current.

Parameters:current (float) – The current to initialize ConditionAbsolute with.
Returns:Initialized with the given current and <= as the operator.
Return type:ConditionAbsolute


Function for creating a ConditionTotalTime object for a total time condition.

Parameters:total_time (float) – The total_time to be used in the ConditionTotalTime.
Returns:Initialized with the given total_time.
Return type:ConditionTotalTime


Function for creating a ConditionAbsolute object using an upper cutoff voltage.

Parameters:voltage (float) – The voltage to initialize ConditionAbsolute with.
Returns:Initialized with the given voltage and >= as the operator.
Return type:ConditionAbsolute

cyckei.server.protocols.extrapolate_time(data, target, index)

Estimates the time until a voltage cutoff is reached.

  • data (list) – A list of lists of measurements taken (voltages, currents, times) at each time.
  • target (float) – The target voltage being extrapolated to.
  • index (int) – Which of the values being tested against i.e. [0:self.last_time, 1:current, 2:voltage, 3:capacity, 4:plugin_values]

The time at which the target will be hit.

Return type:



Takes end_conditions in tuple form and converts them into Condition objects.

Parameters:ends (((str, str, float), (str, str, str))) – Desired ends conditions as a tuple of triples such as ((“voltage”,”>”, 4.2), (“time”,”>”,”24::”)).
Returns:List of Condition objects for ending a protocol step.
Return type:list


Takes reports in the form of a tuple of pairs and creates a list of Condition objects for when to report.

Parameters:reports (((str, float), (str, int))) – Desired reports as a tuple of pairs such as ((“voltage”,0.01), (“time”,300))
Returns:List of condition objects for reporting a data point
Return type:list


Converts time in the “hh:mm:ss” format to seconds as a float.

Parameters:t (str or float) – time in the “hh:mm:ss” format, where values can be ommitted e.g. “::5” would be five seconds or time in seconds.
Returns:Calculated time in Seconds.
Return type:float

Main script run by server application

cyckei.server.server.event_loop(config, socket, plugins, plugin_names, device_module)

Main start method and loop for server application.

Connects cycling channels, sets up CellRunners for controlling channels, waits for runners then processes and discards them as necessary. Also records the channel statuses.

  • config (dict) – Holds Cyckei launch settings.
  • device_module (module) – A module (in this case that includes a definition for DeviceController(gpib_addr (int) ).
  • plugins (list) – A list of PluginControllers extending the BaseController object.
  • plugin_names (dict) – A dict with a key of the plugin name and a value of the of the specific plugin instance’s name.
  • socket (zmq.Socket) – An object that acts as a socket that can send and receive messages.

cyckei.server.server.get_runner_by_channel(channel, runners, status=None)

Get runner currently on given channel.

  • channel (int or str) – The channel number associated with the desired Keithley.
  • runners (list) – A sorted list of active CellRunner objects.
  • status (int, optional) – The status number associated with different runner statuses. -1 to 5. Defaults to None.

Returns the runner serving the given channel, returns None otherwise.

Return type:


cyckei.server.server.info_all_channels(runners, sources)

Return info on all channels

  • runners (list) – A sorted list of active CellRunner objects.
  • sources (list) – A list of all of the Keithley channels connected to the server.

A dictionary of dictionaries that each hold info from their respective CellRunner’s meta, e.g. path, status, current, voltage, etc.

Return type:


cyckei.server.server.info_channel(channel, runners, sources)

Return info about the specified channel.

  • channel (int) – The channel number associated with the desired Keithley.
  • runners (list) – A sorted list of active CellRunner objects.
  • sources (list) – A list of all of the Keithley channels connected to the server.

Information about the requested channel from the CellRunner’s meta, e.g. path, status, current, voltage, etc.

Return type:



Return the dict of channels in the server file

Parameters:config (dict) – Holds Cyckei launch settings.
Returns:The json data of channels recorded in a file, converted to a dict.
Return type:dict

cyckei.server.server.main(config, plugins, plugin_names)

Begins execution of Cyckei Server.

Sets up the socket for communication with a client and starts the event_loop to process commands.

  • config (dict) – Holds Cyckei launch settings.
  • plugins (list) – A list of PluginControllers extending the BaseController object.
  • plugin_names (dict) – A dict with a key of the plugin name and a value of the of the specific plugin instance’s name.

cyckei.server.server.pause(channel, runners)

Pauses the specified channel.

  • channel (int) – The channel number associated with the desired Keithley.
  • runners (list) – A sorted list of active CellRunner objects.

The result message of trying to pause a channel.

Return type:


cyckei.server.server.process_socket(config, socket, runners, sources, server_time, plugins, plugin_names)

Checks the running socket for messages and then parses them into actions to take.

  • config (dict) – Holds Cyckei launch settings.
  • plugins (list) – A list of PluginControllers extending the BaseController object.
  • plugin_names (dict) – A dict with a key of the plugin name and a value of the of the specific plugin instance’s name.
  • runners (list) – A sorted list of active CellRunner objects.
  • server_time (float) – The time on the server (unused in the function)
  • socket (zmq.REP socket) – Receives messages in a non-blocking way. If a message is received it processes it and sends a response
  • sources (list) – A list of all of the Keithley channels connected to the server.

cyckei.server.server.record_data(data_path, data)

Saves server status to a file.

Uses the data_path to open an existing or new file, converts the data to a json, then writes the data to the file. If there is already existing data in channels it is not overwritten by the same channels now being empty.

  • data (dict) – The data to be stored in a file.
  • data_path (str) – The path to the area where the user wants the server_data file stored.

cyckei.server.server.resume(channel, runners)

Attempts to resume the specified channel from pause.

  • channel (int) – The channel number associated with the desired Keithley.
  • runners (list) – A sorted list of active CellRunner objects.

The result message of trying to resume a channel.

Return type:


cyckei.server.server.start(channel, meta, protocol, runners, sources, plugin_objects)

Start channel with given protocol.

  • channel (int) – The channel number associated with the desired Keithley.
  • meta (dict) – The metadata about a channel, which is provided to the CellRunner.
  • plugin_objects (list) – A list of PluginControllers extending the BaseController object. (The same as ‘plugins’ in other functions of
  • protocol (str) – The protocol to be loaded onto a CellRunner.
  • runners (list) – A sorted list of active CellRunner objects.
  • sources (list) – A list of all of the Keithley channels connected to the server.

The result message of trying to start a channel.

Return type:


cyckei.server.server.stop(channel, runners)

Stop the specified channel.

  • channel (int) – The channel number associated with the desired Keithley.
  • runners (list) – A sorted list of active CellRunner objects.

The result message of trying to strop a channel.

Return type:



Test the specified protocol for compliance.

Parameters:() (protocol) –
Returns:The result message of testing the protocol.
Return type:str

Classes to handle interfacing with Keithleys and their channels

class cyckei.server.keithley2602.DeviceController(gpib_addr, load_scripts=True, safety_reset_seconds=120)

Represents a single keithley Interface


Either the int part of the GPIB address or the full GPIB address as a str.

Type:int or str

How many seconds the Keithley can go without being checked before being shut off.


The Keithley connected using pyvisa.

Type:visa GPIBInstrument

__init__(gpib_addr, load_scripts=True, safety_reset_seconds=120)

Inits Device Controller with gpib_addr, safety_reset_seconds, and source_meter.

Also resets the source meter and initializes it with either a startup scrip or a safety shut off script.

  • gpib_addr (int or str) – Either the int part of the GPIB address or the full GPIB address as a str.
  • load_scripts (bool, optional) – Defaults to True. Whether the source should be able to load scripts.
  • safety_reset_seconds (int, optional) – How many seconds the Keithley can go without being checked before being shut off.

get_source(kch, channel=None)

Creates a source object of a Keithley with the specified kch channel.

  • kch (str) – ‘a’ or ‘b’, used to set whether a or b on the keithley is used.
  • channel (str, optional) – User specified name of the channel. Defaults to None

Initialized with source_meter, kch, channl, and safety_reset_seconds.

Return type:


class cyckei.server.keithley2602.Source(source_meter, kch, channel=None, safety_reset_seconds=120)

Represents an individual source.

Typically generated from a Keithley object’s get_source function


Channel name that the user sees. Will be used to sort and display channels. Defaults to None.


Holds the connection between kch and snum, {“a”:1, “b”:2}.


The backlog of data being stored; holds timestamp, current, and voltage.


Defaults to 500. The legnth of the backlog of data being stored.


Either ‘smua’ or ‘smub’, corresponds with whether the kch is ‘a’ or ‘b’.


Keithley channel (“a” or “b”). Stored lower case internally and accessible in the kch attribute.


List of points from data list added whenever a condition is met.


How many seconds the Keithley can go without being checked before being shut off.


The Keithley source, btained from an open_resource pyvisa call.

Type:visa GPIBInstrument

Either 1 or 2, corresponds with whether the kch is ‘a’ or ‘b’.


__init__(source_meter, kch, channel=None, safety_reset_seconds=120)

Constructs necessary parameters for a Source object.

  • channel (int or str) – Channel that the user sees. Can be integer or string, however will be used to sort and display channels. Defaults to None.
  • kch (str) – Keithley channel (“a” or “b”). Stored lower case internally and accessible in the kch attribute.
  • source_meter (visa GPIBInstrument) – The Keithley source, btained from an open_resource pyvisa call.


Compares the current_range to the provided current and returns the smallest number in the range still larger than the provided current.

Parameters:current (int) – Current to compare to the current_range
The smallest current in the current_range still larger than the
provided current.
Return type:int


Stops the protocol on the Keithley and sets the Keithley to off-mode.


Attempts to pause the Keithley script by writing abort to the Keithley and changing the output.

query(*args, **kwargs)

Makes a call to query the Keithley source.

read_data(*args, **kwargs)

Shuts the Keithely off after {safety_reset_seconds} if the Keithley is not checked in that time.

Returns:The result of the function that is being called through here. Could return anything.
Return type:Any

read_iv(*args, **kwargs)

Shuts the Keithely off after {safety_reset_seconds} if the Keithley is not checked in that time.

Returns:The result of the function that is being called through here. Could return anything.
Return type:Any

read_until(write_conditions, end_conditions, wait_time=5.0)

Records data from a Keithley at regular intervals until an end condition is met.

  • end_conditions (list) – A list of Conditions from to be checked against to end the process.
  • wait_time (int, optional) – Time in seconds between checks. Defaults to 5.
  • write_conditions (list) – A list of Conditions from to be checked against determining whether to write data.

rest(*args, **kwargs)

Shuts the Keithely off after {safety_reset_seconds} if the Keithley is not checked in that time.

Returns:The result of the function that is being called through here. Could return anything.
Return type:Any

set_current(*args, **kwargs)

Shuts the Keithely off after {safety_reset_seconds} if the Keithley is not checked in that time.

Returns:The result of the function that is being called through here. Could return anything.
Return type:Any

set_text(text1: str = '', text2: str = '')

Sets the display test on the Keithley screen

Unfortunately the Keithley does not treat the two channels independently for display purposes. So setting the text for one channels removes all the info for the other channel rendering this functionality nearly useless.

  • text1 (str) – top line of text, 10 max chars
  • text2 (str) – bottom line of text, 16 max chars

set_voltage(*args, **kwargs)

Shuts the Keithely off after {safety_reset_seconds} if the Keithley is not checked in that time.

Returns:The result of the function that is being called through here. Could return anything.
Return type:Any

write(*args, **kwargs)

Makes a call to write the included arguments to the Keithley source.


Takes int or str and returns full str GPIB address

Parameters:gpib_address (int or str) – Either the int part of the GPIB address or the full GPIB address as a str.
Returns:The full GPIB address.
Return type:str


Wrapper function for the Source class to enforce the use of a safety script

Safety cutoff will shut the keithley off after {safety_reset_seconds} if it is not at least checked.

Parameters:fn (funtion) – The function being decorate for safety cutoff.
Returns:The result of the function that is being called through here. Could return anything.
Return type:Any



Appends a given path to the end of the path to the assests folder.

Parameters:path (str) – The path starting from the assests folder.
Raises:FileNotFoundError – Error is raised when the given path doesn’t point to an existing folder or file.
Returns:the input path appended to the assests folder path.
Return type:str


Sets a None value to “None” string

Parameters:value (None) – Expects a None, but able to handle anything convertabile to a str.
Returns:Returns “None” as a string or converts the given value to a string and returns it.
Return type:str

Universal GUI Functions

cyckei.functions.gui.action(text=None, connect=None, tip=None, parent=None, disabled=False, separator=False)

Creates an “action” that can be linked to the other ui elements in order to perform functions.

Uses the QAction object to implement this functionality.

  • text (str, optional) – The descriptive text displayed by the action. Defaults to None.
  • connect (func, optional) – The function that is called when the action is triggered. Defaults to None.
  • tip (str, optional) – The status tip is displayed on all status bars provided by the action’s top-level parent. Defaults to None.
  • parent (QObject, optional) – If parent is an action group the action will be automatically inserted into the group. Defaults to None.
  • disabled (bool, optional) – Whether the action is disabled or not, True means the action is inactive (disabled). Defaults to False.
  • separator (bool, optional) – True makes this action a separator, an action that physically separates other actions in the GUI. Defaults to False.

The action object that can be connected to the other gui elements.

Return type:


cyckei.functions.gui.button(text=None, status=None, connect=None, enabled=True)

Creates a QPushButton with given information.

  • text (str, optional) – The text on the button. Defaults to None.
  • status (str, optional) – The text of the status tip that appears when the cursor hovers over the button. Defaults to None.
  • connect (func, optional) – The function to connect to pushing the button. Defaults to None.
  • enabled (bool, optional) – Whether the button is enabled or not. False is Disabled. Defaults to True.

A button with the specified features.

Return type:


cyckei.functions.gui.combo_box(items, status, key, connect)

Creates a QComboBox with given information. Essentially creates a dropdown selector.

This is a combo box that is connected to a specified function.

  • items (list) – Adds a list of strings as selectable items to the dropdown.
  • status (str) – The text of the status tip that appears when the cursor hovers over the button.
  • key – The parameter that will be needed by the connected function (connect).
  • connect (func) – The function to connect to selecting an item in the dropdown window.

A combined button and popup list with the specified features.

Return type:

QComboBox, channel)

Changes the text in the feedback label object in the provided channel.

  • status (str) – The string to be diplayed as the status of the channel.
  • channel (ChannelWidget) – The channel to have its feedback label edited.

cyckei.functions.gui.label(text, status=None, tag=None)

Creates a QLabel for your QApplication.

  • text (str) – Sets the text of the QLabel
  • status (str, optional) – The text of the status tip that appears when the cursor hovers over the label. Defaults to None.
  • tag (str, optional) – Sets the QObject name for this label. Defaults to None.

A label with the desired info.

Return type:


cyckei.functions.gui.line_edit(label, status, key, connect)

Creates an editable text edit field with given information

  • label (str) – The label in the box when nothing is written there.
  • status (str) – The text of the status tip that appears when the cursor hovers over the label.
  • key – The parameter that will be needed by the connected function (connect).
  • connect (func) – The function to connect to selecting an item in the dropdown window.

An editable text box object

Return type:


cyckei.functions.gui.message(text=None, info=None, icon=PySide2.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon.Information, detail=None, confirm=False)

Show a QMessageBox with given information.

The QMessageBox defaults to simply a popup window, but can also be used to let the user respond with “yes” or “no” and send a corresponding bool. The user can change aspects of the window such as body text, informative text, and detail text.

  • text (str, optional) – The body text of the message. Defaults to None.
  • info (str, optional) – In most systems this text is appended to the body text, however in some in appears as smaller text below the body text. Defaults to None.
  • icon (int, optional) – An int (0-4) usable for setting the icon in QMessageBox. Defaults to QMessageBox.Information, an enum from the class representing a 1 int.
  • detail (str, optional) – This is the text that appears in the extra details section. Defaults to None.
  • confirm (bool, optional) – If True gives the user the option to select “Yes” or “No” in the message box. Defaults to False.

returns False if no was selected in the message box, else returns True.

Return type:



Sets a None value to “None” string

Parameters:value (None) – Expects a None, but able to handle anything convertabile to a str.
Returns:Returns “None” as a string or converts the given value to a string and returns it.
Return type:str, icon='icon-client.png', highlight='#f05f40')

Customizes the style of a QApplication window.

  • app (QApplication) – Any object descended from QApplication.
  • icon (str, optional) – The filename, including extension, of an image to be the QIcon for the App. Defaults to “icon-client.png”.
  • highlight (str, optional) – The highlight color for the QApp, in HEX color form. Defaults to orange.

cyckei.functions.gui.text_edit(status=None, connect=None, readonly=False, wrap=PySide2.QtWidgets.QPlainTextEdit.LineWrapMode.NoWrap)

Creates a text box for editing plain text.

  • status (str, optional) – The text of the status tip that appears when the cursor hovers over the box. Defaults to None.
  • connect (func, optional) – When text is changed this function will be executed. Defaults to None.
  • readonly (bool, optional) – True makes the text box only readable, not editable. Defaults to False.
  • wrap (Const, optional) – Can be NoWrap or WidgetWidth, depending on if the user wants word wrapping in their text box. Defaults to QPlainTextEdit.NoWrap.

The QPlainTextEdit object.

Return type:



Abstract Classes for implementing plugins for Cyckei.

class cyckei.plugins.cyp_base.BaseController(name, description)

Abstract Parent class of plugin controller objects.

Creates default methods for interacting with plugin and handling sources.


The description given to the user in the info section.


The logger for the plugin object. Stored in the Plugins folder, named after the name variable.


The name of the plugin object.


__init__(name, description)

Inits description, logger, and name. Sets up logging and sources for plugin.

  • name (str) – The name of the plugin object.
  • description (str) – The description given to the user in the info section.


Abstract method.

Raises:NotImplementedError – Error always raised as this is an abstract method.

get_logger(name, cyckei_plugin_path)

Connects the plugin to main Cyckei loggers.

Plugin initially tries to connect to to Cyckei’s main logging handlers. If this fails, this method establishes a new console handler. Usually this should be as a result of running the plugin independantly.

  • name (str) – The name of the plugin object.
  • cyckei_plugin_path (str) – The path to the Plugins folder in the Cyckei folder.

FileNotFoundError – Raised when the path given by cyckei_plugin_path doesn’t exist.


The logger for the plugin object. File stored in the Plugins folder, named after the name variable.

Return type:



Abstract method. Searches for available sources, and establishes source objects.

Raises:NotImplementedError – Error always raised as this is an abstract method.


Reads data from every source object connected to this plugin controller.

Requires a collection of source objects to be stored in self.sources as a list or dictionary.

Parameters:source (int or str) – The index or key of the source object to be read from. Depends on whether the source objects are stored in a list or dict.
Returns:Any type can be returned as this function calls the read function from a source and does no further processing.
Return type:Any

class cyckei.plugins.cyp_base.BaseSource

Parent class of plugin source object. Controls communication with individual devices or channels.


Abstract constructor. No definition


Abstract method. Reads data from the source instrument.

Raises:NotImplementedError – Error always raised as this is an abstract method.


Performs the read function on every plugin source stored in the the plugin controller.

Parameters:controller (BaseController) – A BaseController holding plugin sources to be read from.
Returns:A dict with keys as the name of the plugin and values that could be any type. Any type could be returned from reading a plugin source, as there is no type control before this point.
Return type:dict